Video Gallery

General Info

General Info
Basic Body Positions


Advanced Handstand Warmup
Advanced Flexibility Warmup
Flexibility Warm up – Lower Body
Flexibility Warm up – Upper Body
Intermediate Warmup
Beginners Handstand Warmup
Beginners Warmup
Cooldown 2
Advanced Warmup

Basic calisthenic strength exercises

Push ups
Pull ups
Planche Pushups
Parallel Bars Leg Raises
Neck Head Planks
Neck Bridges
Neck Side Bends
Toes to Bar
Handstand Push Ups
Handstand to Bridge
Front Lever Pull ups
Forearm Palm to Finger Raises
Forearm Palm Raises
Forearm Hang
Bridge Push ups
Back Lever Pull ups
Bridge From Standing Position
Adductors Ring Splits

Skill tutorials

Iron Cross
Ring muscle up
Bar Muscle up
Human Flag
Front Lever
Dragon Flag
Back Lever

Variations of skills and strength exercises

Dead Press Tutorial
One Arm Handstand
Dips Variations
15 Pull-up Variations
Pushup Variations
Back Lever Training
Handstand Push ups Variations
Front Lever Training
Advanced Flag Exercises


Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS 9
Level 2 Workout 30’ 9
Beginner core workout
Intermediate Hiit Workout
Intermediate Handstand Workout 5
Level 1 Workout 30’ 8
Beginners Handstand Workout 6
Beginners Mobility Training
Beginner Hiit Workout 10
Level 4 workout 30’ 4
Level 2 workout 30’ 8
Leg Workout 30′ – INTERMEDIATE 5
Beginners Core Workout 7
Level 2 workout 60’ 5
Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS 8
Beginner Hiit Workout 9
Intermediate Explosive Workout 3
Leg Workout 30′ – ADVANCED 4
Level 1 Workout 30′ 7
Intermediate Core Workout 7
Level 3 Workout 30′ 6
Beginners Handstand Workout 5
Level 2 Workout 30′ 7
Intermediate Hiit Workout 5
No equipment workout level 1 4
Level 1 Workout 60′ 4
Advanced Core Workout 4
Beginner Hiit Workout 8
Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS 7
Level 2 Workout 30′ 6
Intermediate Handstand Workout 4
Beginners Core Workout 6
Beginner Hiit Workout 7
Level 3 Workout 30′ 5
Intermediate Hiit Workout 4
Beginners Core Workout 5
Level 2 Workout 60′ 4
Level 1 Workout 30′ 6
Intermediate Handstand Workout 3
Advanced Core Workout 3
Back and Shoulder Flexibility
Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS 6
No Equipment Workout – Level 2 4
Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS 5
Beginners Handstand Workout 4
Intermediate Explosive Workout 2
Intermediate Core Workout 6
Beginner Hiit Workout 6
level 4 workout 60′ 2
Level 2 Workout 30′ 5
Leg Workout 30′ – INTERMEDIATE 4
Level 3 Workout 30′ 4
Leg Workout 30′ – ADVANCED 3
Intermediate Core Workout 5
Beginner Hiit Workout 5
Level 1 Workout 30′ 4
Advanced Hiit Workout 2
Level 2 Workout 30′ 4
Intermediate Core Workout 4
Thoracic Spine Mobility
No Equipment Workout – Level 3 3
Level 3 Workout 60’ 4
Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS 4
Intermediate Handstand Workout 2
No Equipment Workout – Level 1 3
Advanced Core Workout
No Equipment Workout – Level 2  3
Intermediate Hiit Workout 2
Level 3 Workout 60′ 3
Beginners Explosive Workout
Leg Workout 30′ – INTERMEDIATE
Advanced Handstand Workout
Front Splits Workout
Leg Workout 30′ – ADVANCED 2
Level 1 Workout 30′ 4
Intermediate Core Workout
Advanced Hiit Workout
Level 1 Workout 60′
Beginners Handstand Workout
Spinal Rotation
No Equipment Workout – Level 3
Level 4 Workout 30′
Intermediate Core Workout
Beginner Hiit Workout
Level 4 Workout 30′
Intermediate Explosive Workout
Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS
Level 1 Workout 30
Beginner Hiit Workout
Beginners Core Workout
Beginners Handstand Workout
Level 2 Workout 60′
Level 5 Workout 30′
Level 3 Workout 30′
No Equipment Workout – Level 4
Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS
Intermediate Hiit Workout
Level 3 Workout 30′
Level 2 Workout 30′
Level 1 Workout 30′
Level 2 Workout 60′ 2
Level 3 Workout 60′
Beginner Hiit Workout
Intermediate Handstand Workout
Beginners Core Workout 2
Advanced Core Workout
No Equipment Workout – Level 1
Leg Workout 30′ – INTERMEDIATE 2
Level 1 Workout 60′
Intermediate Hiit Workout
No Equipment Workout – Level 2
Level 4 Workout 60′
Leg Workout 30′ – ADVANCED
Level 1 Workout 60′
Beginners Core Workout no equipment
Beginners Explosive Workout
Level 3 Workout 60′
Level 2 Workout 60′
Level 2 Workout 30′
Beginner Hiit Workout
Level 4 Workout 30′
No Equipment Workout – Level 1
Core Workout
No Equipment Workout – Level 3
Middle Splits
Beginner Handstand Workout
No Equipment Workout – Level 2
Level 2 Ring Workout 30’
Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS (no equipment)
Core Workout No Equipment
Level 3 Workout 30′
Pike Flexibility
Level 1 Workout 30′
Level 2 Workout 30’
Shoulder Mobility
Leg Workout 30’ Intermediate

Full Body Workouts

Level 2 workout 60’ 5
Level 1 Workout 60′ 4
Level 2 Workout 60′ 4
level 4 workout 60′ 2
Level 3 Workout 60’ 4
Level 3 Workout 60′ 3
Level 1 Workout 60′
Level 2 Workout 60′
Level 2 Workout 60′ 2
Level 3 Workout 60′
Level 1 Workout 60′
Level 4 Workout 60′
Level 1 Workout 60′
Level 3 Workout 60′
Level 2 Workout 60′
Level 2 Ring Workout 30’

Upper body workouts

Level 2 Workout 30’ 9
Level 1 Workout 30’ 8
Level 4 workout 30’ 4
Level 2 workout 30’ 8
Level 1 Workout 30′ 7
Level 3 Workout 30′ 6
Level 2 Workout 30′ 7
Level 2 Workout 30′ 6
Level 3 Workout 30′ 5
Level 1 Workout 30′ 6
Level 2 Workout 30′ 5
Level 3 Workout 30′ 4
Level 1 Workout 30′ 4
Level 2 Workout 30′ 4
Level 1 Workout 30′ 4
Level 4 Workout 30′
Level 4 Workout 30′
Level 1 Workout 30
Level 5 Workout 30′
Level 3 Workout 30′
Level 3 Workout 30′
Level 2 Workout 30′
Level 1 Workout 30′
Level 2 Workout 30′
Level 4 Workout 30′
Level 3 Workout 30′
Level 1 Workout 30′
Level 2 Workout 30’

Lower body workouts

Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS 9
Leg Workout 30′ – INTERMEDIATE 5
Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS 8
Leg Workout 30′ – ADVANCED 4
Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS 7
Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS 6
Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS 5
Leg Workout 30′ – INTERMEDIATE 4
Leg Workout 30′ – ADVANCED 3
Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS 4
Leg Workout 30′ – INTERMEDIATE
Leg Workout 30′ – ADVANCED 2
Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS
Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS
Leg Workout 30′ – INTERMEDIATE 2
Leg Workout 30′ – ADVANCED
Leg Workout 30′ – BEGINNERS (no equipment)
Leg Workout 30’ Intermediate

No equipment workouts

No equipment workout level 1 4
No Equipment Workout – Level 2 4
No Equipment Workout – Level 3 3
No Equipment Workout – Level 1 3
No Equipment Workout – Level 2  3
No Equipment Workout – Level 3
No Equipment Workout – Level 4
No Equipment Workout – Level 1
No Equipment Workout – Level 2
No Equipment Workout – Level 1
No Equipment Workout – Level 3
No Equipment Workout – Level 2

Core workouts

Beginner core workout
Beginners Core Workout 7
Intermediate Core Workout 7
Advanced Core Workout 4
Beginners Core Workout 6
Beginners Core Workout 5
Advanced Core Workout 3
Intermediate Core Workout 6
Intermediate Core Workout 5
Intermediate Core Workout 4
Advanced Core Workout
Intermediate Core Workout
Intermediate Core Workout
Beginners Core Workout
Beginners Core Workout 2
Advanced Core Workout
Beginners Core Workout no equipment
Core Workout
Core Workout No Equipment

Mobility/Flexibility Workouts

Beginners Mobility Training
Back and Shoulder Flexibility
Thoracic Spine Mobility
Front Splits Workout
Spinal Rotation
Middle Splits
Pike Flexibility
Shoulder Mobility

Ηandstand Workouts

Intermediate Handstand Workout 5
Beginners Handstand Workout 6
Beginners Handstand Workout 5
Intermediate Handstand Workout 4
Intermediate Handstand Workout 3
Beginners Handstand Workout 4
Intermediate Handstand Workout 2
Advanced Handstand Workout
Beginners Handstand Workout
Beginners Handstand Workout
Intermediate Handstand Workout
Beginner Handstand Workout

Fat burning/HIIT workouts

Intermediate Hiit Workout
Beginner Hiit Workout 10
Beginner Hiit Workout 9
Intermediate Hiit Workout 5
Beginner Hiit Workout 8
Beginner Hiit Workout 7
Intermediate Hiit Workout 4
Beginner Hiit Workout 6
Beginner Hiit Workout 5
Advanced Hiit Workout 2
Intermediate Hiit Workout 2
Advanced Hiit Workout
Beginner Hiit Workout
Beginner Hiit Workout
Intermediate Hiit Workout
Beginner Hiit Workout
Intermediate Hiit Workout
Beginner Hiit Workout

Explosive workouts

Intermediate Explosive Workout 3
Intermediate Explosive Workout 2
Beginners Explosive Workout
Intermediate Explosive Workout
Beginners Explosive Workout

Straight arm presses

Front Lever Press
Human Flag Press
Press Handstand

Rehabilitation exercises

Lower Back Strengthening & Rehab
Shoulder Rehab
Shoulder Rehab Resistance Bands
Lower Back Pain Relief

Resistance bands Training

Resistance Bands – Static Exercises

Partner Training

Beginners Parnter Training Exercises